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Message from the President

オンライン スポーツ ベットntribute to the realization of a prosperous future with a presence throughout the entire supply chain of building materials.

Takashi Sumi, President and CEO

Since the days of our predecessors, Nissho Iwai Corporation and Nichimen Corporation we have been expanding our domestic and international network and building partnerships with many business partners over the past 40 years. While capitalizing on our past achievements, オンライン スポーツ ベットre pursuing new business strategies that we have not undertaken in the past.

The world is now rediscovering the value of trees along with the growing efforts to meet the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). For example, if trees are grown in forests and to be used as building materials, they can serve as a way to stabilize carbon dioxide, thereby contributing to the reduction of global warming. If we can promote the use of domestic lumber through our business, it will revitalize the rural areas of Japan, which are rich in forest land.

Based on this belief, オンライン スポーツ ベットre taking on the challenge of transforming ourselves to become a company that not only supports the creation of homes but also creates new value that contributes to a more abundant future.

Specifically, we provide products and services for a wide range of living spaces, such as public facilities as well as medium- and high-rise housing, where the shift to wood construction and wood materials is being promoted. オンライン スポーツ ベットlso develop building materials that are friendly to the global environment, and actively develop renovation projects to ensure that buildings are used with care for a long time, all of which are areas where needs are increasing from a sustainability perspective.

These activities are not simply individual points involving plywood, fiberboard, wood products, construction materials, and other materials. We aim to be a company that can provide total support from upstream, midstream, and downstream. オンライン スポーツ ベットllaborate with a variety of partners to demonstrate our presence in the entire supply chain of building materials.

In addition, オンライン スポーツ ベット update our organizational structure from all angles on subjects such as diversity, women's activities, DX, and human capital management to solidify the foundation for growth into the future.

We look forward to your support and encouragement as we take on these challenges.
